With all the formalities dispensed, I welcome you for whatever reason you have stopped by.�� I hope to be providing you all soon with a live video feed,
FTP access to my MP3's, and .WAV files, for now you will have to settle for uploaded .AVI video clips, and whatever the hell I decide to give you access to (heheheh.....).�For those of you
(like my mom) who have no clue what I was just talking about..(now isn't that sad..sorry to rat you out mom).�� the MP3, and .WAV are sound files, the .AVI is a video file (now you have to be a real ninny not to have figured that one out.)
���� For those of you not interested in any of that kind of thing, well then...BUGGER OFF!!�� As soon as I can get Dana in front of the good 'ole 'puter I will have her mugshot up and viewable for the entire world
and this time she is going to be CLOTHED...hehe...just kidding...joke,geez..settle down...yikes...
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